Politics: What’s Best?

A Search for the Perfect State

By Matt Blanchard, Senior Reporter

Let’s face it: Politics make people cringe. Whether you’re left, right, center, or simply not caring, everyone has a political stance. We all bicker (or don’t) about what the government should and shouldn’t do, and what it should and shouldn’t be. We fight each other to prove our position is the stronger, and most “politicians” use personal matters to attack their opponents. These are the focuses of all political shows. “Oh, this politician did this drug in college, and this one had fifty affairs.” All this is is mudslinging at its most vile. Even George Washington said in his Farewell Speech that political parties would be the end of the United States because this is exactly what they do. So, I beg of you to hear me out a little bit. I don’t want to talk about what certain politicians did, are doing, or will do. What I am attempting to address in this publication, is what a state should and should not be, and what a state should do and not do. Even if you hate politics with the utmost passion, please allow me to simply state my position.

What is the State? In my opinion, the State is a governing body that provides order for the inhabitants of the area it encompasses. It passes, enacts, and enforces laws to allow people to live the safest and happiest lives possible. States exist because we are not capable of keeping order in a pure state of nature. If we were perfect, there would be no need for a state. If we all didn’t steal and beat the day lights out of each other, think about how much better the world would be!

What should a proper government look like? I would say the best government is one that embraces ideas of human freedom and the protection of order. I do not believe a monarchy would be the best solution, nor a complete direct democracy. There needs to be an established order that is followed, and a collective voice of the citizens. As you know, however, some are not as caring towards the common good, and argue instead for what would benefit them directly, while hurting others. In my opinion, you should be educated enough to be politically savvy to partake in your governance. To sum up these ideas in one form of Government, I would call for a constitutionally-lead government of politically-educated citizens governed by leader elected by the public. They are the legislative, the leader is the executive, and judiciary should be appointed by them as well. They are paid stipends for their service, and have other jobs.

How free is free? If you follow the laws, there should be no issues. You don’t have to worry about the government intruding on your life too much, as the law should be mostly the no brainer stuff: don’t murder anyone, don’t steal, don’t walk around nude in public, etc. There should be some taxes for the upkeep of the state, but nothing overbearing.

Should the state be present in the economy? This question plagues our world. Some say yes, others say no. The State, in my opinion, should welcome and encourage business, but not appropriate it. The state should make laws telling a business that it must be truthful in what it says, and that it not completely screw up our state. Some of you are probably now screaming at your computer screens, and think I do not realize that monopolies could spring up. I realize that fact, and my answer is simple: every empire falls, even one of steel.

What about defense and war, Matt? The defense of the state should be served by the military, which is assigned to protect our borders from invasion, protect our allies, and, when duty calls, defend the state from the attacks of other states as well as domestic threats. Also, every citizen should have the right to bear arms. If the military were to ever try to overtake the state with violence, it is our right by God to defend ourselves. The first problem that rushes to your head may be that this may put weapons in the hands of the bad guys. It could, of course, but it also puts them in the hands of the good guys, too. The good guys could stop the bad guys before they do any real damage.

Of course, what had been laid out here is a fantasy of my own imagination. This form of government is probably impossible, simply because of our human nature. We want as much power as we can get, and will do anything to achieve that power. That being said, this article was written more in my opinion of the duties and ideas of the state and what it should do. No government will ever fully fit my description. I love America probably more than most other Americans do, and I believe that the American state is a very ordered and admirable system. I simply believe there may be an even better way.

If you want to bring up anything that I may have forgotten or if you want to have a friendly political debate (FRIENDLY), you can comment below or approach me anytime. I would love to hear what you have to say.