Teacher Spotlight: Mr. Premus

November 20, 2021
This year, we as a Xavier community are proud to welcome a new teacher Mr. Premus. Mr. Premus is our math department’s newest teacher. He will be teaching multiple levels of algebra for both Freshmen and Sophomores. I was lucky enough to interview him after school for more information about his life and how he got to where he is now.
Did anyone inspire you to become a teacher? Who and how?
The person who inspired me the most to become a teacher would have to be my wife. She went to Boston College to study education and has been a teacher her entire professional career. I worked in the corporate business world for 20+ years before becoming a teacher about 12 years ago.
Where did you go to college?
My wife and I both went to Boston College and were part of the graduating class of 1987.
Did you teach before coming here, and if so, where did you teach?
Yes, I did teach before coming here. I taught in the public schools. I taught 7th grade in West Harford and taught 7th and 8th grade in Meriden before coming here.
What subjects do you teach?
I teach 3 levels of math classes: CP Algebra to Sophomores, CP Pre-Algebra, and three sections of Accelerated Algebra to Freshmen.
Why do you teach math?
Well, I like to think I’m pretty good at it. It’s always come pretty naturally and easy for me. I love teaching problem solving and making the topics relevant to the everyday lives of my students whenever possible. I always want my students to consider me their “math teacher for life,” meaning I can teach them a wide variety of Math topics, but I can also teach them some of life’s most important lessons from my own personal experiences along the way too.
What is your favorite grade to teach?
Nothing against my sophomore CP Algebra class; they’re a good bunch of guys. I just really enjoy teaching freshmen because they all come from so many different places, and I like the challenge of helping to shape them into the young men they become as Xavier students.
Where did you grow up?
I was born in Queens in NYC but grew up in Derry, New Hampshire.
In high school/college, did you play any sports?
I did. In high school, I played soccer and baseball, but mostly just played intramurals in college.
In high school/ college, what was your favorite subject
In high school, I really loved physics and chemistry above all my other subjects and even entered college interested in getting a major in chemistry, but later changed it to math.
Mr. Premus has a diverse education in math that he gained at Boston College that he can use to teach. These qualities make Mr. Premus a welcomed member of the Xavier community. Welcome, Mr. Premus! We hope to see you at Xavier for many future years.