Ice, snow, accidents! Winter Driving 2015

As 2015 begins, so does the heavy part of the winter season.


By Evan Rigsby, Editor

With January approaching, the real winter season is upon us. As snow levels increase, so do the the risks of car accidents. In addition comes rain, ice, and hail to make matters worse. Winters conditions are some of the worst for drivers young and old and can lead to death and injury. Here are some quick tips to help keep you safe on the road this winter season.

Pack up!
One of the most obvious points for any journey, is usually brushed over. Always make sure to have the following gear to be prepared in the case of an emergency. Make sure you have a cell phone at all times to call for help and be sure to carry a flashlight and a snow brush to clean off your car. Always have a first aid kit for any medical injuries. And finally, make sure to have extra clothes to weather the elements. Blankets, rain jackets, gloves and hats are all a good idea.

Have a service check.
Before the storm season be sure to have your car checked over. Having a working car is necessary and waiting to the last minute can cause big issues such as weak tires, broken wipes, or faulty breaks.

Don’t text and drive!
This one is obvious, but texting and driving is already one of the leading killers of the road even in normal conditions.

Buckle up!
Always be sure to follow the rules of the road and use these winter driving tips:

Buckle up ahead of time
Drive slowly and keep a distance from the car in front of you to prevent sliding and crashing
Bridges freeze before roads so be aware and drive slowly while crossing
Leave room for plows and other service vehicles
Be aware that exit ramps receive less anti-icing than the main roads
Don’t use cruise-control because uncertain ice spots may be scattered on the road

Stay posted on the Kestrel for all other road safety and winter articles.