How To Save Your New Year’s Resolution

By Joshua Rigsby, Editor

2016 has come to a close and 2017 has begun. As is tradition, many of us have made New Years’s Resolutions. Unfortunately many of us have probably abandoned them by now. This is normal. We all seem to follow this cycle of commitment then laziness every year. Its not too late to get back on track or keep going. Keeping a resolution can be tough but here are my top 3 tips to help you keep going.

Think of the consequences:

Many of our resolutions are rooted in breaking bad habits and bettering ourselves. Breaking habits can be hard but think of what will happen if you quit. You’ll be right back where you started. You’ll deal with the same anguish which caused you to make the resolution in the first place.

Get your friends in on it:

Things are always easier when done in groups. Doing a  group resolution is good because you’ll have someone dealing with the same issues you are. Also you hold each other accountable. You can force them back into the resolution if they fail and they can do the same for you.

If you fail, get back up:

It’s hard to keep resolutions, and many people fail. Its important to see where you went wrong  and learn from it. Get right back up and start over. Just because you fail doesn’t mean you can’t try again. Try as many times as you need and stay motivated. Don’t stop until you’ve achieved your goals.

As a recap, just keep motivated. As long as you have some reason to stick with your resolution you’ll be able to see it through.