Teachers’ Pets

By Andrew Cammisa, Senior Reporter

Disclaimer: this article is not about the figurative student being the teacher’s pet, but instead about the actual pets that teachers at Xavier High School have.

This Article was written in memory of Mr. Mule’s Dog Cooper who passed away two weekends ago, and Mr. Markham’s cat Lieutenant Commander Data who passed away a little less than a year ago.

This week, I had the pleasure of asking many of the teachers at Xavier High School about the pets that they owned. While initially I aimed to find out what pets some of the teachers had, I decided to be as thorough as possible and find out the pets (or lack of pets) of as many teachers as I possibly could. Below, I have constructed a chart consisting of teachers, the type of animal(s) they have, the breed of the animal, how long they have had their pets, and finally the name of the pet.

Teacher's Pets Table

Overall, most of the teachers recorded have at least one pet with only seven teachers out of the twenty-nine involved in this survey not having one. It is also notable that the favorite pet among teachers is a dog with the second most popular being the cat. The last thing that is worth mentioning is while the cat is the second most common pet among these teachers, only two teachers out of the seven teachers that own cats actually know the specific breed of their cat(s) while seven of the eight teachers that own dogs do know the specific breed of their dog.