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Xavier's Source of News & Sports

  • The 3rd Annual Super Bowl Squares Contest has Begun!
  • Mr. Nick Cerreta '01 named Xavier's President!
  • Xavier Students Reach 100k Walkathon Goal for Day Off After Super Bowl!
  • The Kestrel is looking for writers. Join our team! Reach out to Sean O'Sullivan or Mrs. Fazzino!
Xavier's Source of News & Sports


Xavier's Source of News & Sports


Laurenz Mosquito, Senior Reporter

Laurenz Mosquito is in twelveth grade and is a Senior Reporter for the Kestrel. He is in Model Court.

Interested in playing video games, reading science-fiction, and critically analyzing the human condition watching movies, Laurenz likes to classify himself as sophisticated, until he is forced to come to terms with how narrow his interests are when he has to write a short paragraph describing himself.

Laurenz lives in Wallingford, Connecticut and looks forward to writing relevant news for readers of the Kestrel.

All content by Laurenz Mosquito